Monday, May 5, 2008

May & Kentucky Derby 2008

This past weekend was the 134th Kentucky Derby. Every year Mommy and Daddy do lots of planning and preparing for their annual Derby Party. This year was no exception and it was lots of fun!!! We're so glad we were able to have our friends join us and help to make this Derby party a huge success. We even bet on the winning horse - every other year we seem to pick a winner :) The BIG winners this year though were our friends Rhonda & Reid. They bet on Big Brown 6 times!!!

Although we're only 5 days into May lots of fun has been going on in the Weiss household. Jonah just celebrated is 3 month birthday. I can't believe how quickly the time has flown by. He is quite the busy body. Always wanting to see what is going on around him. He's turned into a very Happy (thank goodness!!) baby and is now a great sleeper -- always a great eater :) He loves to smile and watch his crazy sister run around the house. Shayna is keeping us all very busy and on our toes. She repeats anything and everything we say. She is learning her colors (although sometimes she refers to everything as purple :) She is also very excited about pee pee on the potty. She doesn't quite get the whole concept, which is fine, but she is very proud of herself when she goes and loves to keep trying (we really couldn't ask for more!). She loves to say the word toot and always makes sure we know when Jonah "toots" or goes poo poo. She always (well almost:) has a smile on her face and is constantly making us laugh and teaching us new things. We recently bought a bird feeder so Shayna can watch the birds in her playroom -- although we're not quite sure how to get the birds to come to the food -- once we figure this one out we'll include some pics.

Life in the Weiss Space is really a great place. Daddy is also doing well and keeping busy. He is starting two more houses and loving every minute of it. He's really so great at what he does :) Mommy started back to work last month and so far it's been a pretty smooth transition. Thank goodness for Jennifer -- she's amazing and we really feel so lucky to have found her!!!

We've loaded some more pictures to the links on the left, hope you enjoy.

PS Jonah decided to share all of his giggles with us today. This is the first for Mr. Giggles but I hope it will continue, check it out at the link on the right.