Sunday, March 1, 2009

February Fun

So February was busy with birthdays and travels. We all flew to California to visit Aunt Li Li & Uncle Matt in LA. It was a long trip but both kids did great on the plane. No sleeping of course -- that means rest which Shayna and Jonah don't think they need :) But they were both very good and enjoyed the adventure. We were very excited to see Aunt Lili & Uncle Matt and to find out they were expecting their own little nelson!!! Shayna and Jonah are going to have another cousin and we can't wait to meet them in October.

LA was great we went to the park and visited the Zoo. We went to some great kid places and visited the Santa Monica Pier. We also enjoyed some grown-up dinners out. Shayna even had her first sleepover at Aunt Lili's house. She did great and probably would have spent the week if we let her.

Here are some pics of all our fun:
we celebrated shabbat together!

Jonah & Aunt Li li hanging out and being silly with Uncle matt