Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Welcome back to our world :)

So slacker would be putting it lightly. Apparently i'm not very good at keeping up with a blog..but at one time i did try :) We have had a lot of excitment and of course good old fun over here these last few months.
Summer seemed to fly by. Before we knew it fall is here!!! Our summer was great and filled with lots of good times. We started it off by taking a trip to Fripp Island for our first family of four vacation. It was so much fun. Shayna and Jonah had a blast. We hung out at the pool, went to the beach. Got to drive around in a golf cart and just enjoy being together. Aside from a minor set back on the first day out -- when Jonah - poor clumsy boy fell face first on to the pool deck -- cement and pretty much cut the skin that connects his lip to his mouth. Ewww i know. it is pretty normal but after a nurse looking him over and the very friend firemen we felt confident he would be okay :) And with a popsicle and some rest it seemed to get better throughout the day!! Phew...definitely enough drama for the day. Fripp Island had deer roaming all over the place and they would just walk up to you, it was really neat. We got some really great pictures. We took the kids to their first air show where the Blue Angels performed. The kids seemed to enjoy it aside from the intense heat. Shayna keeps asking us why the planes we see in the sky now don't make any noise :) During this trip we also found out we're going to have another nephew. As I write this entry we are sitting on edge waiting to hear the news of his arrival as my sister lisa is due any day!! So exciting.

Shayna's First day of Summer Camp

Shayna started camp in June. She absolutely loved it. She had amazing counslers and was just all around excited each and every day. It is so much fun to watch her grow and learn new things every day. Jonah has also turned into such a little person. He's begun talking more and more. At first his favorite words were no-no ; whether he meant yes or not :) every parents dream!! He is such a happy kid. Of course it wouldn't be a successful week in the Weiss household without some blood or scrap on our little monster :) But he takes it like a champ and is usually full of smiles. He finally started to get some more teeth -- which helps make him look like a big boy :( We spent a lot of time at the pool this summer. Shayna is a little fish. She was cautious at first but each week she would become more and more confident. She goes down the big slide (with a float) all by herself. She really is such a brave little girl.

We had many visito
rs this summer. Both sets of grandparents made their way to NC to visit. The kids loved seeing them and playing with them, getting spoiled and just having a good time. We took several trips to FL and spent a lot of time at the beach. The kids love the beach and the freedom of having no restrictions and being able to run around free. It was so much fun to see them play together and get to play with their cousins. We even got a picture of all the kids that include Jared wearing a bathing suit!!! Wahoo.

Weiss Cousins with bathing suits on!

We also managed to get in a trip to Atlanta to help celebrate Layla's First Birthday and see all of our friends!! The kids had a blast all playing together and the adults did too!

Bath time fun in Atlanta!

We did a lot of fruit picking this summer. We started with strawberries and tried out peaches. The kids loved it!! Jonah was covered from head to toe in strawberries -- he rolled around in them it seemed...thank goodness for Oxyclean!!! Every single stain came out! For the fourth of July one of mommies oldest and great friend Alli came to visit. It was so much fun and we really got to enjoy hanging out and seeing each other!! We also got to go Peach Picking!

During this summer Mommy and Daddy also decided they were going to commit to getting in shape and for a cause. Mommy signed up for the Avon walk for Breast Cancer, 40 miles in 2 days. Daddy signed up for his first marathon -- through Team and Training. We have both been so lucky to have so many wonderful people in our lives that have contributed to our causes and helped to make both events a reality. Mommy's walk is on Oct 24th/25th and Daddy's race is at Disney in Jan.

Shayna celebrated her 3rd birthday this summer!! Where does the time go. She had a lot of fun celebrating and enjoying her special day (weekend). We spent the day swimming at the pool and enjoying the beautiful weather.

Summer came to an end oh so quickly, yet leaving lasting memories for years to come. We look forward to the beautiful fall weather and all the wonderful fun things we get to do outdoors.

Sorry for the lack of updates and keeping up -- maybe i'll get better at this :)

Jonah's new favorite toy!! (Thanks Carla!)

Monday, April 20, 2009

No more sick time

Peek-a-boo we see you!

So March seemed to fly by without even so much of a notice. We were busy trying to get well -- Jonah's ears dont' seem to want to cooperate with his teething :( We liked to visit the doctor quite often, min of once a week. They seem to enjoy our visits, go figure -- us not so much!! We celebrated Purim (jewish halloween) and had lots of fun watching Shayna participate in her school parade dressed as a cute little piggy!

We also had our first extended trip (more than one night) away from both kids at the same time!! Although it was hard to leave we knew they would be just fine. Poor Jonah was left sick and with a very very sore tushie!! Mimi came to play and took great care of them. We went Memphis for Mindy & Jordan's wedding and had a great time, missed the kids of course. I guess it was definitely easier because our kids are pretty independent and didn't seem to even notice we were gone :( But it was really nice to get away as grown-ups :) See us enjoying the best fried peanut butter and banana sandwhiches at Graceland!!

Its seems that in the midst of our travels we all caught some nasty bug -- which turned out to be a parasite of some sort -- it sucked. See poor Jonah's sad state :( Luckily the kids managed to to make it through -- it was definitely a tough 2 weeks. I'm glad it was me that ended up in the urgent care for IV's rather than the two of them and lucky daddy was well the whole time and helped to get us all better!!

For passover we got to fly down to Orlando to celebrate, we did miss Nana & Papa :( (and of course Lili, Matt and baby nelson to be:) Shayna and Jonah had a blast with their cousins -- it was so cute. We also got to spend some time at the beach which was really nice, with all of the cold yucky weather we've had here in CLT. Shayna loved the beach/ocean and would have stayed all day/night to play in the water and sand.

The four cousins enjoying some time in the sun

So now our travels have come to a halt and we're enjoying spending some time at home!! Bella and her parents have come to play. We had lots of fun hanging out at the park and enjoying their company. We've gone to birthday parties that were lots of fun. Jonah started swimming and appears that he doesn't hate it -- good start!! We're also getting ready for the warm weather to stick around and enjoy lots of times outdoors!!

Sunday, March 1, 2009

February Fun

So February was busy with birthdays and travels. We all flew to California to visit Aunt Li Li & Uncle Matt in LA. It was a long trip but both kids did great on the plane. No sleeping of course -- that means rest which Shayna and Jonah don't think they need :) But they were both very good and enjoyed the adventure. We were very excited to see Aunt Lili & Uncle Matt and to find out they were expecting their own little nelson!!! Shayna and Jonah are going to have another cousin and we can't wait to meet them in October.

LA was great we went to the park and visited the Zoo. We went to some great kid places and visited the Santa Monica Pier. We also enjoyed some grown-up dinners out. Shayna even had her first sleepover at Aunt Lili's house. She did great and probably would have spent the week if we let her.

Here are some pics of all our fun:
we celebrated shabbat together!

Jonah & Aunt Li li hanging out and being silly with Uncle matt

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Jonah's 1st Birthday

Well it's obvious i'm not a real "blogger" or really any good. it's taken me almost 4 months from my last post to write!! Maybe one day I will improve but for now, i'm trying :)

Yesterday was our little guys 1st birthday. I don't know where the time has gone or even how it has passed so quickly. Not that I remember much back to the time when he was born or the three-four months following. when all he seemed to do was scream and cry :) But i do remember all the fun we've had in the last year and how busy we have been. We have so many wonderful memories and look forward to making many many more.

Jonah went in for his 1 year check up yesterday and he is 20 lbs (10%) and 30 inches long (75%). He is doing so well and right on "track" We did find out that he has an ear infection :( so its a good thing we went to the doc otherwise i would have never known. Aside from the falling into the fireplace, huge goose egg, and splitting his lip or something that gushed blood, on the kids table he's doing just fine :) I guess maybe the off balance thing should have been the clue.

We have had a lot of visitors this past month to help celebrate the big day. Mimi came to visit a little early to help out b/c Daddy had to go in for Hernia Surgery. Luckily it was nothing major and he is doing just fine, healing slowly :) She had a lot of fun with the kids and definitely wore us out!!! Nana & Papa came to visit as well. We all had a great time running around and playing. Nana was able to stay and help us celebrate with Jonah.

Shayna is doing great and as always being such a wonderful big sister. She really likes, for the most part, having Jonah around and being able to help him. She is such a kind and loving little girl. We are so lucky to have two wonderful and happy little kids. They definitely add lots of smiles every day.