Friday, October 3, 2008

All aboard for the Weiss travels in Sept...

Sept has been quite the busy month for the Weiss family. It started off with a trip to Chicago for our cousin Ari's wedding. It was a big step for us, traveling with 2 kids by plane but we did it!! And it was a great time had by all. It was Jonah's first plane ride and although he didn't want to sit down very much, which can be somewhat difficult on a plane :) he did really well. It was the first time Shayna has flown where she actually was aware of everything going on around her. Needless to say there was no resting on the flight but a good time had by all, thanks to coloring books and stickers :) We mad e sure to take in as much as possible while in Chicago (except seeing my friend Brooklyn-- so sorry!!!) We went to the Navy Pier and Shayna got to ride on the ferris wheel -- not much fear from this kid) Jonah was a trooper and hung out with the big kids.

We also went to Atlanta for Layla's babynaming. We had a great time visiting with friends and just hanging out. We got to swim with Bella in the pool for the first time (well she dipped her feet)!!

Then after one weekend at home for a quick rest and recoup we were off again to Orlando, FL. It was Mimi's 60th birthday so we went down to surprise her. We had lots of fun going to a character breakfast with Mickey and Minnie. Shayna was in her element and Jonah seemed to have fun too. We went to Sea World with Noah and Jared and Aunt Tracy. Although it was VERY hot everyone had a good time and behaved very well. I think it was a lot to take in for everyone but a definitely good times. We also celebrated Rosh Hashana in Orlando. It was Jonah's first New Year celebration and he pretty much slept through it :) Good boy!

Orlando was a lot of fun and great to see everyone, we were sad that we didn't get a chance to see Nana and Papa while we were there but look forward to seeing everyone again for Thanksgiving.

So I am a total slacker b/c it is now closer to November and i'm just putting up my Sept post :) oops... enjoy the link to the pics they tell all the stories!

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